Thursday, May 11, 2017

California Gym Workout

Hey, it's Mastermind time down in California.

Life is good when you're surrounded with great people.

This week has been awesome with Bedros. I did a livestream, we filmed another podcast, and we've eaten a lot of sushi!

Today's workout:

1A) Pullup
1B) 1-Arm KB Press

2A) TRX Row
2B) Pushup

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
People won't always understand or accept your dedication to self-improvement, so when you are having a bad day and when people are talking behind your back or making you feel bad for your RIGHT decisions, please remember this:

Do not take it personal when someone attacks you.

This will happen a lot when you step out of your comfort zone and become the best person you can – and are meant to – be.

Simply look at the criticism constructively, and discard personal attacks. You are making the right choices for YOUR right life. That's what matters.

Operate with honesty and integrity all the time and you will never have to worry about what other people say about you because you are doing the RIGHT thing. I know it.

Stay strong and keep on pushing on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - More great advice...

"Deal only with people you can trust and get all the others the hell out of your life."‬ - Charlie Munger ... Eliminate the negativity and attract better people. Then have gratitude for the deep relationships in your life. Send a card to a friend today. Do something for the good people in your life today.

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