Monday, May 15, 2017

Deadlift in Denver

Back in Denver and had a great deadlift workout today.

We also filmed about 25 videos, including a Facebook live that you can watch right here.

But before that it was the workout...

1A) Deadlift
1B) Box Jump

2) High Rep Deadlift Set

3) Walking Lunges

4) Lots of rolling and mobility to finish

My neck was a bit sore, but the workout didn't make it worse.

Tonight I need to get a good 8 hours of sleep because I've been hitting only 6 for the past two nights.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Do the most important things before anyone interrupts you and progress will be yours. Progress builds momentum, momentum builds optimism, with optimism supports action. Take that first step in the right direction right now. It doesn't have to be big, but it has to get done. Mornings are powerful, but don't let your morning routine become a morning prison.

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Today's big lesson...

Do your to do list at night

Image may contain: text

Craig Ballantyne
Founder, ETR University


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