Saturday, April 22, 2017

Perfect Life Workshops and Perfect Meathead Workoutz

I've had a couple of good mini-workouts, a great Perfect Life Workshop, and then a frustrating travel delay in the past 48 hours. But I'm finally in Tampa (from Toronto) and ready for another Perfect Life Workshop tomorrow.

Friday Morning's Hotel Room training...

1) Prisoner Squat
2) Pushup
3) Iron Cross
4) Plank

I did 4 rounds, and in the first round I hit a new 2017 PB of 56 pushups!

Today's Meathead training at Joel Marion's home garage gym (sponsored by BioTrust, of course!)...

1A) Military Press
1B) Neutral Grip Chins

2A) TRX Triceps Extension
2B) EZ Bar Curls

3A) Shrugz
3B) Cable Abz

Lotz of z's in that lazt zet. LOL.

Here's a pic from my Perfect start to the weekend with a Workshop!!!🔥🔥🔥

But I have NO photos of my 3 hour delay at the airport this morning. :)

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

The world is mine in the morning.

Do the most important things first thing in the morning before anyone interrupts and success will be yours. Success builds momentum, momentum builds optimism, and optimism encourages more action. And so the virtuous cycle goes. Take that first step in the right direction right now. It doesn't have to be big, but it has to be done. 🔥🔥🔥#perfectdayformula #sunrisesession #dominateyourday

Make it a perfect day,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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