Monday, April 24, 2017

To Do and Deadlift

What a weekend. First we had a Perfect Life Workshop in Toronto, and then another one in Tampa. There were BIG breakthroughs for everyone as we got them dialed in for domination.

Sunday was an off day but today it was deadlifts in Joel's garage gym. The barbell was a little thicker today, so I had to settle for a 5-10% decrease in weights due to grip fatigue.

1A) Deadlifts
1B) Box Jump

2A) More deadlifts
2B) Abs

After my workout I made a video while I had really bad hair (Thanks to the Floridian humidity!)

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Failing to plan is planning to fail. But so is improper planning. Change how you do your #todolist today. If you're doing your to-do list in the morning you're already too LATE. Do your To Do List tonite for tomorrow! #perfectdayformula

Watch this =>

Get to it,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Another Perfect Life Workshop with 10X high performers...

I love these events. My life's work ... so blessed to have found my calling

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