Thursday, April 20, 2017

Bedros and Swings

2017 = 30% complete.

Time to review goals, be honest with your progress, & adjust course.

I'm getting stronger in some basic lifts.

However I'm still skipping the squat rack too much.

Today I didn't prepare well enough and I had to do a home workout in the garage gym instead of stepping under the bar.

But it was still a record breaking session (on KB swings)

1A) Double KB Front Squat - 53x4x10
1B) KB swing - 70x40,20,15

2) DB Reverse Lunge

That was it. I'm keeping them shorter than ever these days.

Also filmed a couple of videos for you...

About morning rituals getting out of control =>

And one with silly Bedros =>


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

If you want things to change, change them. You're a fighter, not a quitter. Motion beats meditation. Action beats analysis. Identify what matters & never give up on getting it. Become the person you need to become in order to achieve the big goals you want to achieve. Get out of your comfort zone. Resist complacency. Never stop learning. Never settle. Improve everyday. Kaizen till your last breath.

Push on always,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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