Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Happy 1st and Squats

Happy 1st!

I want you to treat today as another New Year's Day.

We still have 60 days left to change our habits & reach our 2016 goals.

You can choose to make big changes starting now. You can change your life just as well as on any day of the year.

No matter what happened yesterday, or on the weekend, make today the day to get back on track to your big goals and dreams.

Every step forward takes you farther away from the mistakes of yesterday.

Todays' Workout:

1A) Squat
1B) Mobility

2A) Good Morning
2B) DB Reverse Lunge


And a quick tip...

Add these exercises to the start of your workout 2x's per week and your shoulders will get stronger and safer.

=> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_eVY36QMVA

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

There's still time to change in 2016... Make the next 60 days count... Set process goals, not just outcome goals. Big difference. Outcome goals are arbitrary #'s, like losing 20 pounds or making $1 million. That's not entirely within your control.

Process goals are the action steps that solve this problem. So for each outcome goal, identify 3 process goals you can control. Achieve your process goals, and do everything you can to achieve your big goals and dreams.


Don't be compelled by guilt to eat leftover junk food. Your body is not a trash compactor. Junk food belongs in the garbage. Real food belongs in your body. Make the right decision for your right life right now.

Make it right,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Success...

"Every success story works at physical health, improving their friendships and connections with others, being creative, and being grateful. Every day. For those who don't, they quickly get sick, depressed, anxious, fearful. They have to change their lives. When they make that change, universally all success stories say to me, 'that's when it all started going right.'" – James Altucher ...


Add little rewards to every positive action to create consistent, enjoyable habits. Make each positive action easy to do each & eliminate roadblocks get in your way.

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