Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween Bodyweight Workout

Happy Halloween!

I'll be dressing up today... by putting a shirt on as my costume. Haha.

But seriously...

It's a scary time of year for diet disasters... and so we need fun, fast, short workouts to help us burn off Halloween and holiday calories.

And it gets worse... in just a few weeks you're likely to be stranded... might be at your in-laws, it might be at a hotel, or it might even be in your own home.

The holidays will have you prisoner, and you won't be able to get to the gym.

And then, for many of us (including me when I'm up on the farm in Canadia), we'll have to deal with winter weather.

But you'll still want to do a fat burning workout (to burn off holiday calories).

So what can you do?

A bodyweight cardio fat burning workout to the rescue.

The only “equipment” you have is your own body, but all they taught you in gym class was how to do crunches, pushups, and flexed arm hangs. And you aren’t doing that from the doorframe here in the doubletree.

Fortunately, I’ve spent my entire adult life researching wild workouts, exotic exercises, and bodyweight movements. My bodyweight exercise obsession all started back in college, when I came home for a Christmas break in my freshman year, and had no ride to the gym, or even the money to afford a day pass.

So instead, I went through all of my old issues of Men’s Health magazine and put together a list of every body weight exercise I could find. Eventually, I stumbled across a workout that wasn’t full of crunches, situps, and plain old pushups. I somehow managed, at the age of 19, to figure out a bodyweight circuit that was tough, worked the entire body, and didn’t require equipment.

Fast forward fifteen years later, and I’m still on the hunt for more bodyweight workouts. You’ve probably used one of my bodyweight challenges from Men’s Health magazine, or found one of my workout videos on youtube.

This fat burning workout video below is probably my most famous, the no-equipment 5 rounds of 5 minutes bodyweight workout program. You don’t need anything – other than your own bodyweight – to get an amazing full body workout, anytime, anywhere.

Bodyweight workout ss

You don’t need to be outside to do this bodyweight cardio fat burning workout, but hey, it doesn’t hurt to be out in the sunshine, getting a glorious sweat on with this intense bodyweight workout.

A minute of bodyweight exercises doesn’t sound like much, but seriously, when you get down to the brass tacks, it sure is a heck of a challenge.

Over the next couple of weeks I'll be showing you dozens of bodyweight and interval workouts that don’t require exercise machines. You'll never have to suffer through the ‘dishonor’ of slow boring cardio ever again.

Stay tuned for more great workouts and videos.

Talk soon,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS -  Here's Bally and me out hunting for Halloween monsters...Screen shot 2016 04 17 at 8.52.32 am


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Very nice article. Its very important to train yours abs right way. Check at how to do it :).
