Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Get my new book and four FREE workout videos here

On Sunday morning I put myself through a punishing workout filming session.

I did four bodyweight conditioning workouts in a row...

...and I have to admit, I felt a little "pukey" for the next hour. Ha!

But I promise, you're going to LOVE these new videos.

These 4 videos are going to be a FREE bonus gift to every TT reader that pre-orders my new book, The Great Cardio Myth. You can order it from Amazon or Barnes and Noble or other places, and then send your receipt to to get access to the videos.

NOTE: The videos will be ready on November 10th. Stay tuned for more details!

You can PRE-order the book at these fine online sellers...

Until then, let's take a look at some beginner and advanced fat burning workout tips for you today.

Back in the 90's, when I was in college, and when Friends was a hit TV show, I used to be a personal trainer at the University gym.

We had over 30 cardio machines... and there was always a wait for them.

But funny thing, all the fit people AVOIDED the cardio machines and were found ONLY in the weights area.

Today we see more and more people kicking cardio to the curb.

And that is the RIGHT thing to do.

You see, the last thing you want to use for a beginner fat loss workout is long, slow, boring cardio.

Two reasons why:

1) Beginners will get an overuse injury from doing too much exercise volume too soon.

I had many new clients come to me after injuring themselves trying to get back in shape by doing excessive cardio. Please don't make the same mistake.

We had to spend weeks rehabilitating their injuries before we could kick their fat loss workouts into high gear.

2) Long, slow, boring cardio doesn't very work well – if at all – for fat loss.

Research has shown that doing 300 hours of cardio (6 hours per week for 50 weeks) resulted in only 5-6 pounds of weight loss in American men and women.

That's a waste of time.

Read my NEW book to find out why... and get my new workouts... just order from one of the links below.Book cover

Let me explain.

FIRST, we start by doing a general bodyweight warm-up circuit.

Most old-school workouts tell you to do a 10-minute warm-up on a treadmill, but that's a waste of time.

How does a treadmill prepare you for a total body workout?

Answer: It doesn't. Jokes on us when we waste our time with it.

In the Turbulence Training workouts, you'll get proven bodyweight circuit warm-ups that get you ready for fat loss.

SECOND, we use bodyweight resistance training... at home... with no equipment.

That's right, you'll discover how to torch off the fat without any equipment.

You're going to be shocked by these fat-burning exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home.

THIRD, we finish off with interval training.

And YES, beginners can do interval workouts.

Watch this video for ALL of the details on interval training

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Here's how I know this:

1) Researchers have used interval training in all types of populations, such as overweight beginners and even in cardiac rehabilitation (talk to your doctor though first, of course, if you have any medical conditions).

2) Research shows that subjects PREFER interval training over long cardio. So there you go, I'm not the only one who thinks cardio is boring – even subjects who volunteer for research studies would rather do interval training.

3) The most important interval training fat loss research study was performed on overweight beginner level women.

That study found that women who performed interval training on a stationary bike lost more belly fat than woman who did long slow cardio.

Case closed.

Your coach,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Here's a great classic quote... It's the #TRUTH!

"I shall shape my future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me. Or I can be lost in the maze. My choice. My responsibility. Win or lose; only I hold the key to my destiny." - Og Mandino

PPS - Pre-order your copy of my new book today.

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