Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Quick update on habit change

Today is an off-day. Probably go for a bike ride later, but no lifting. I'd take Bally the Dog for a long walk but he has a sore paw.

Yesterday was a good garage gym workout.

1A) Pushups
1B) Band Pull

2A) DB Press - 80 x 10
2B) DB Row

3A) Elevated Pushup
3B) DB Rear-Delt Raise

Good times.

Quick update on my 21-Day No Protein Supplements Habit Change: I've been staying on track. It's much easier when I'm at home and not on airplanes. That'll be tested again on Thursday with a flight to Denver followed with a day of filming.

Then I have an interesting weekend at a seminar, speaking on Sunday morning, and then flying to Orlando the week after for more filming and another seminar (this one is for fitness).

After that it's a couple of days of coaching with Isabel in Charleston, and then I fly over to San Francisco for another seminar. I'll finally get back to Denver on the 28th.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Fail forward. Learn your lessons. Move on. Keep growing. Never stop. Celebrate each victory and build on your momentum.

Do the work,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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