Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Sore Back So I Went Full Meathead

Had a slightly stiff low back today, so I skipped deadlifts and switched to an upper body workout. Tomorrow is off. I'll walk a lot at the airport, and then I'll deadlift on Friday. Should be good fun! I prefer deadlifting in Denver instead of at the YMCA anyways.

Today's Session:

1A) Pushups
1B) Band Pull

2A) DB Press - 90x4
2B) DB Row

3A) DB Rear Delt Raise
3B) DB Overhead Shrug (weird little movement)
3C) Close-Grip Pushup with Hands on KB Handles

Pretty good times.

Now off to Toronto to stay over for my early morning flight.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
“Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.” – #truth ... If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. So... Identify and eliminate temptations. Create two solutions for every obstacle in your way. Plan, prepare, and make the right actions automatic so you stay on track.

Get back on track if you are off track now,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Coming soon!

Filming this course next week in Orlando =>

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