Monday, October 10, 2016

Killer Thanksgiving Sunday Squat Workout

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving.

On Saturday I spent the day reading an advanced copy of a new book from Men's Health called "The Maximus Body", written by my colleague and fellow Canadian, Robert MacDonald (aka Bobby Maximus on Twitter and Instagram).

It was a fitting Canadian Thanksgiving gift to myself.

The book is packed with over 100 borderline insane workouts. Okay, make that 5 borderline insane workouts, and 95 fully, 100%, absolutely crazy, insane workouts.

These are next, Next, NEXT level.

It gave me some good ideas.

Plus, the first four chapters DESTROY every excuse possible for not working out harder and getting the results you desire.

It was an awakening for me, too.

Made me train harder and smarter on Sunday AM.

1a) Power Clean

1b) Mobility

2a) Squat

2b) Mobility

3a) Good Morning

3b) DB Lunge

This still wasn't even in the same zip code as a Maximus Body workout, however, it was a really great session for me.

Weight is up, strength is up, and I'm sticking to my 21-Day Habit Changes (no protein bars or powders, just real food) and my 12-Week TT Transformation Challenge commitments of no artificial sweeteners, no Coke Zero, and no Quest bars.

Hope you are too.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

“If plan A doesn’t work, there are 25 other letters in the alphabet. Don’t quit. Ever.” – Bobby Maximus

No quit ever,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - "If you want to accomplish anything, get out of your comfort zone." - Kekich Credo #1

Push and never quit.

PPS - Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

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