Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sunday Morning 4-Minute Filming for The Great Cardio Myth

Sunday morning was a rocket ride of caffeine-fueled creativity, training, filming, and coaching. I had about 6 great ideas, now it's time to implement.

After breakfast and a coaching call with some clients from New Zealand, I hit the gym for a modified meathead session:

1a) Bench Press

1b) DB RDR

2a) Chin-Up Knee-Up

2b) Mobility

It was modified because immediately after this workout I went back to ETR HQ to film 4 bodyweight workout videos. These 4 videos are going out to Platinum TT Members, but also to everyone that pre-orders my new book, The Great Cardio Myth. You can order it from Amazon or Barnes and Noble or other places, and then send your receipt to to get access to the videos.

NOTE: The videos won't be ready until after November 10th. Apparently there's no such thing as "4-minute editing" for my 4-minute workouts, LOL.

Stay tuned for more details...

Until then...

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
If you fall off the wagon, cut your losses, don’t worry about it. Get back on track. Immediately. It’s minor damage that can be dealt with.

Anytime you face defeat, try and end the battle with a victory, no matter how small. If you’ve eaten 2 candy bars too many, you can still win if you don’t eat a third. It’s a small win, but a victory nonetheless. Use this as momentum to get back on track ASAP. 1) Create little wins; 2) Remove future temptations; 3) Build stronger rituals; These make life easier and prevent you from making the same mistake again.

Make it a win,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - From the Maximus Man...

"If you want to be something you've never been, you need to do something you've never done. How many of you are trapped in a cycle of unhappiness? How many of you go to bed every night feeling alone or wake up to go to a job every day that you hate? How many of you feel like you haven't accomplished everything you've wanted to? How many of you look in the mirror each day and don't like the reflection you see staring back at you? We have all had these feelings at one time or another. We have all wished we could change the circumstances we are in. You can change your circumstances and you can change your life. You have the power to do anything you want to do, you just need to be willing to do things differently than you've done before. You need to be willing to take risks. You need to be daring. If you're willing to step out of your safe zone, if you're willing to stand at the edge of the cliff and jump, if you're willing to do what you've never done, you'll give yourself the power to become what you've never been." - Bobby Maximus

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