Friday, March 18, 2016

My presentation at Fitness Business Summit

Hey, sorry you couldn't make it today to the big seminar I'm at...

... yesterday we did another killer 1-day Mastermind event, and I'll be speaking two more times over the weekend, including a big session on how to make 'passive' income with multiple streams of revenue. Plus, Sunday morning I'll be sharing my life's work on how to design your Perfect Life. It's going to be the highlight of my weekend.

Since you can't make it, I have a little gift for you. It's a couple of years old, but the advice is still important.

Watch this video to start building your online business

Let me know how it helps,

Craig Ballantyne

PS - Give!

Follow the Golden Rule. Be a Go-Giver. Give away everything you know and it will come back to you many fold. You cannot out-give the universe. Be generous with your time, love, money, and energy, and help more people get what they need.


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