Friday, March 18, 2016

OC Deadlift and FBS times

Fun times so far at Fitness Business Summit in California. Yesterday we had a small group event with trainers from Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, and Slovenia! Very cool folks.

It always amazes me when people travel that far but you can't get someone from LA to drive 45 minutes to attend. LOL.

Last night we had a great dinner at Morton's. I had a glass of wine with my friend, Diana Keuilian, to go with my Cajun rib-eye steak, baked potato, broccoli, and asparagus. Saved half the steak for lunch today, too.

This morning I prepared my presentations and then hit a nearby 24-hour fitness for this workout:

1A) Power Clean
1B) Pushups

2A) Deadlift
2B) Dips - New PB of 23

3A) Bench
3B) Bulgarian Split Squat

Solid training session. Now I have the rest of the weekend off. Trying to fit in a hike Saturday morning with Jason Ferruggia.

Today's Kickbutt End of Day Mindset Tip:
Do an end-of-day brain dump. Switch your mind from work to family, and separate work time from non-work time. Grab some paper, scribble out all work-related  thoughts, and  put them away until  tomorrow. Stick to this hard  ‘quitting time’ for your day. Now go live life for the rest of the evening

And I found this super cool tweet on my Twitter page today...

Productivity hack: Wake up before the rest of the world and tackle your #1 priority.

Very cool,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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