Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Meathead Workout to Finish Off Denver

One more workout in Denver before heading out to Fitness Business Summit.

This morning was a Meathead Morning in the hotel gym.

1A) Pull-Ups

1b) 1-Arm Standing DB Shoulder Press

2A) Close-Grip Pushups

2b) Face Pull

"Life’s easy when you live it the hard way…and hard if you try to live it the easy way." - Kekich Credo #4

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Do you have enough dissatisfaction with the way things are in order to generate the intense desire you need to achieve change? If you’re “just fine” with the way things are, you’ll never act bold enough to make things different. You’ll never go all-the-way to improve yourself and your situation. So if you ‘feel’ like you’re struggling, if you ‘feel’ like nothing works, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Do I really care about making this change? Do my actions match my words? Or am I secretly satisfied with the situation as it is? And if I’m not, what fears are stopping me?” Get honest with yourself. Get clarity and congruence. And then decide, what, if anything, is truly going to change today.

Live it the hard way,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - It's okay!

It’s OK to take care of yourself… I give you permission! Invest in yourself for the sake of others. Take care of your health and energy so you can deliver maximum love, life, laughter, and living to those that matter. Place a high value on your time. Don’t let others steal it away through insignificance. Remember… every moment wasted in meetings, traffic, surfing the web, gossip, etc. steals it from your children, your spouse, and your well being. Be ruthless with your time and energy for the sake of your legacy. You can – and WILL – succeed when you take care of yourself and bring your best self and high energy to all areas of life!

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