Friday, January 08, 2016

Miami Morning Circuit and Thursday Night Temptations

Last night I walked through the valley of the shadow of Deep Friend Oreos at Prime 112, a steakhouse in Miami Beach, and I came out unscathed. For dinner I had a giant crab claw as my app, treated myself to a 6oz kobe filet, baked potato, asparagus, and sauteed spinach.

Great times with over-50 fitness celeb, Shawna Kaminski and my good friend Bedros Keuilian and Joel Marion.

This morning started with a 6am bodyweight hotel room workout to the put the foodz into the musclez!

Alas...Thursday and Friday were not CASS-Free, only A-Free. I had a can of Zevia (stevia sweetened cola).

I blame my mom for letting me drink too much soda as a kid.

Just kidding Mom, it's my Personal Responsibility.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Invest in yourself for the sake of others. Take care of your health and energy so you can deliver maximum love, life, laughter, and living to those that matter. Place a high value on your time. Don't let others steal it away!

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:45 AM

    have read many blogs in the net but have never come across such a well written blog. Good work keep it up
