Sunday, January 10, 2016

Guest message from Chef Gui!

There is absolutely no way around it. You can try exercising. You can try depriving yourself of the foods you like. You can try nasty shakes or the grapefruit diet if you want. But eventually, it just comes down to one single thing:

If you’re serious about losing weight, you must cook your own food.

It’s the only way you can control what you put into your body, eat to your heart’s content, and even overeat if you want to (Eat More, Burn More, remember?)

But… Maybe you don’t know how to cook. Maybe you don’t mind cooking but think it’s too fastidious. Or maybe you just don’t have time.

So what if I told you that a professional chef (That’s me!) would love the opportunity to take you by the hand, and show you the tricks of the trade, so that you can learn how to cook healthy, easily, and effortlessly?

What if I told you that I can transform you into a creative, fat-burning cook who not only enjoys cooking, but also whips up delicious food in no time, while saving a ton of money (You wouldn’t believe how low my family’s budget for food is!).

Well, you see, it’s possible. You can now take cooking lessons with me, so that you can finally know how to cook for weight loss.

Reserve your spot for my Eat More Burn More online cooking classes and coaching

To your success, and as I always say, Eat More Burn More,

Chef Gui Alinat, CEC
Executive Chef
Author, The Chef's Repertoire & Eat More Burn More

PS - I’m serious, btw. If you've been trying to lose weight FOREVER and you're still struggling, or if you feel that you're doing "everything right" but the scale just won't budge, it's probably because you’re either not cooking your own meals, or don’t know how to cook them. So let me coach you.

Reserve your spot for my Eat More, Burn More online cooking classes and coaching

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