Thursday, January 07, 2016

Miami Heat Dinner and Mindset Tip

Fun night at the Heat-Knicks b-ball game...this kid kept screaming in our ears though!

Dinner was CASS-Free at Il Gabiano...grilled octopus, veal chop, grilled vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, portobella, artichokes, peppers), and roasted potatoes

After the basketball game and Joel's (amazing) new condo in Miami last night...and I managed to turn down him and Bedros on going to Zuma steakhouse at 11pm for a 2nd dinner...

I had ETR / TT work to do... Wrote till midnight, started again at 5am...It
was a big victory to skip the 2nd dinner...

Joel was in one of those "bro, you gotta come with us" moods. He can be quite persistent and persuasive...but all along I stuck to a line I say in a lot of daily mindset tips to clients:

"Make the right decision - right now - for your right life. Always." <=== Live this every darned day!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Harness the power of the 5 pillars of success. Plan ahead to avoid temptation and eliminate obstacles. Get accountability for your actions from us. Enlist support from the others. Give yourself a meaningful incentive. And set that hard deadline.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Hey...


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