Monday, January 11, 2016

10th year birthday sale

Woof, woof!10

Ol’ Bally the Dog here, and guess what?

I just turned 10 years old!

And today’s going to be another Perfect Day of celebrating.

It will start with a walk and some barking at the moon.

Next up, breakfast.

Then I’ll roll in the snow, and stick my nose in it, so the snow gets up my nose, causing me to sneeze. It’s always funny to watch a dog sneeze!

Then I’ll sleep.

Then eat.

Then sleep.

Then another dog walk.

Then eat.

Then beg for scraps at the human’s dinner table.

Then sleep!

What a Perfect Day, and it all starts with Perfect Planning.

To celebrate my Barkday, I’m making my human, Craig Ballantyne, give you a sweet deal on his new Perfect Day Formula planning kit so that YOU can have Perfect Days, too.

You’ll get everything you need to change your life, get more done each day, and have more free time for your family, fitness, and faith.

Here’s everything you’ll get in this Perfect Day kit:Kit 1

Click here to start living your Perfect Life (Birthday sale ends soon)

But make sure you watch it soon.

Just like my Barkday, the sale won’t be here forever.

And you’re getting a HUGE doggy discount on this life-changing kit today.

So if you want to stop working so hard and finally achieve everything that you want in life, you need to get Craig’s secrets to success today.

They worked for me, and they’ll work for you too!

Click here to start living your Perfect Life (Birthday sale ends soon)

Helping you live your Perfect Life,

Bally the Dog
Certified Perfect Dog

PS – Here’s some Human praise for The Perfect Day…

"Everybody wants to live the perfect life but fail to understand you do that by designing and living the perfect day, day after day. The Perfect Day Formula shows you exactly what you have to do to create that day." – Larry Winget, New York Times bestselling author and television personality

"Craig was the first person to push me on the importance of creating my Perfect Day — a habit that is the secret behind all of my accomplishments. He is always an inspiration. As a busy mom of two young kids, I strongly believe The Perfect Day Formula is required if you wish to accomplish something big!"- Diana Keuilian, author of The Recipe Hacker

"Craig shows you how to design your life, by breaking it down into the smallest unit — controlling and designing each day. Step one: Create the perfect day. Step two: Live it. Step three: Repeat until you're living your perfect life." – Alwyn Cosgrove, co-author of The New Rules of Lifting series

Click here to start living your Perfect Life (sale ends soon)

PPS – There’s one more reason you need to act now…

With each passing day this year you get busier and busier.

Life gets in the way. Your momentum dips. Your motivation is lost.

But research shows that when we take fast action and get rapid results, then we are more likely to make these results permanent.

This is true for losing weight, making more money, and improving any habit.

If you decide to do nothing, you’ll remain in the same painful, frustrating, and vicious cycle of working hard, getting frustrated, doubling down and working harder, and only getting more frustrated, and then… well, then what?

There’s no happy ending if you decide to avoid action.

But when you put the step-by-step Perfect Day Formula into place, your breakthroughs will come faster than ever before.

Click here to start living your Perfect Life (sale ends soon)

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