Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Couple of Denver Workouts

Sunday Morning Denver Workout.

1A) Trap Bar Deadlift - worked up to 2 Personal Bests: 315x11, 335x6
1B) Mobility

2A) Bench Press
2B) DB Reverse Lunge

3) Rowing Intervals

This workout laid a whooping on me.

Afterwards I had to contend with a 'zoo' at my hotel in Denver. The Pittsburgh Steelers were staying there and the lobby was packed with autograph seekers.

Should be interesting if the Patriots stay there this weekend. I'm here for an extended stay in Denver, and the city is buzzing.

Tuesday AM workout:

1A) DB Shoulder Press - 5x5
1B) Pullups - 10 sets of 4

2A) Decline Pushup
2B) DB Chest Supported Row

No personal bests today.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"Do you trust yourself? You shouldn't. Not after all these years and the mistakes you've made. So how do you fix this? With your rules. Harness the power of the 5 pillars of success. Plan ahead to avoid temptation and eliminate obstacles. Get accountability from a coach for your actions. Enlist support from positive people. Give yourself a meaningful incentive. And set a BIG Deadline with real consequences."

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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