Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Squats in Denver

Today's Squat workout in the Mile High City:

1A) Kettlebell Swing
1B) Mobility

2A) Squat
2B) Mobility

3) Front Squat - 135x16, Personal Best

4A) Step-Up
4B) Leg Curl

Good times. Last week's squat workout destroyed my legs, so I pulled back on the volume this week. We have a big workout filming session for one of Missi's programs on Friday and I need to be semi-fresh.

Quick question about my book...

Q: How can you apply The Perfect Day Formula if you work for a company and not yourself? Your program sounds great, but that's all I kept thinking was "how does this apply to me"? Can you give an example? Thanks!



The Perfect Day Formula is 100% applicable to the employee. In fact, the first draft was written for one, not a solo business owner like I once was. The principles of creating personal commandments for your life, your 5 pillars of success, a powerful vision for your life, getting up earlier, planning your day, checking your email less, and using the 10-3-2-1 formula to get to bed on time do not require you to own a business.


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Repair broken friendships that mean a lot to you. Be an adult. Find a way to fix it. Apologize if needed. The more you love the more you live.

Live on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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