Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Trap Bar Tuesday

Today is a caffeinated free for all diet day. Now I don't mean that it's a cheat day full of sugar and nonsense and everything nice.

What I mean is that I had some pre-workout caffeine, and some of the protein powders I'll consume also contain stevia.

I even experimented with a 'high-protein' almond butter. It contained erythritol. It was okay, but I won't buy it again.

But there still won't be any alcohol or artificial sweeteners (like aspartame) in my diet today.

Tomorrow's caffeine intake will be a game-time decision. If I'm sluggish before my workout, I'll probably have some Green Tea. Otherwise, it will be a CASS-Free day.

After breakfast and the caffeinez...

It was back under - or in this case, IN - the bar today. I used a Trap Bar for deadlifts. A trap bar is built so that you stand inside a diamond or rectangle shaped area with the weights in line with your body.

The grip is a neutral grip, rather than an overhand grip. There is slightly less stress on the low back and a lot more stress on the quadriceps. You'll be able to use 10-20% more weight with this set-up.

Today's Workout:

1A) Hang Clean

1B) Mobility

2A) Trap Bar Deadlift

2B) Mobility

3A) Military Press

3B) Good Morning

4) Rowing Interval - 444m in 90 seconds

Still a long way off from the MH Fit level of 500 meters in 90 seconds.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

It is your personal responsibility for who, what, and where you are in life and an attitude of Self-Reliance is your only hope for freedom in an unfree world. You must write the script for your life and design the life of your dreams. Start with this: Control what you can. Cope with what you can't. Concentrate on what counts.

Get Intense and Stay Intense,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - If you're struggling, read THIS…

Don't get upset if you are not on a straight line to success. Every journey is a zigzag. The key is to get back on track ASAP, to prepare a plan and act on it, to get support and accountability, and to motivate yourself with a deadline. Struggle strong. Push on. Stick to your vision and never, ever give up on what is important to you.

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