Saturday, October 17, 2015

Snowy Saturday Upper Body Workout

Sunday will be a "hard core" CASS-Free today. Today I enjoyed some treats. Well, just a pre-workout Zevia Cola. Whoooaaaa. Things were getting crazy out here on the farm. LOL.

But I should have had a hot chocolate instead. It's snowing here. Like winter wonderland snowing. Ol' Bally the Dog is going to be loving the afternoon walk.

Today's workout: Pause Pushups, 1-Arm DB Row, Close-Grip Incline Press, TRX Row, Arms, Ab Wheel, Slam Ball, 2 dog walks in the freezing cold.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Place a high value on your time. Don’t let others steal it away through insignificance. Remember… every moment wasted in meetings, traffic, surfing the web, gossip, etc. steals it from your children, your spouse, and your wellbeing.

Be ruthless with your time and energy for the sake of your legacy.

Own your day,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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