Thursday, October 22, 2015

Why the Clean Eating Mindset Makes You Fatter

Here’s why Clean Eating will make you fatter… Going cold turkey on your favorite foods is a recipe for disaster. After a few days (or weeks if you’re extremely disciplined), you’ll be bored, frustrated, and tired of eating the same tasteless meals every day.

Then you'll slip up and cheat or binge, ending up heavier than when you started. I’ve seen it too many times. There’s no need to use severe diets to lose a few pounds, especially if you only gain it all back. 
So here’s a better way to eat your favorite comfort foods 100% guilt-free and still lose weight fast.

Click here for meals better than "Clean Eating"

Click here for meals better than "Low Carb Dieting"

Click here for meals better than Paleo sacrifices

Here’s why these delicious recipes are better than all those other diet programs:

You can OVEREAT these foods at every single meal and still lose weight. My friend Chef Gui is an expert at “fixing” your favorite comfort foods and turning them into great tasting, fat-burning meals. You won’t have to worry about giving up your favorite foods ever again…

Which means you’ll be able to lose weight and keep it off for good.

Overeat These Foods at Every Meal and Still Lose Weight

Enough with the diet restrictions, it’s time to enjoy yourself and the food you eat.

Taking care of you,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


PS - One more change to make...

Surround yourself with successful people. Play up a level and hang around winners that bring out the best in you. Avoid people that drag you into the wrong environments and tempt you to engage in the wrong behaviors.

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