Monday, July 20, 2015

No Squats Just Meatheady Monday

Today should have been a squat workout but I was too busy and did a poor job of scheduling my phone calls so I couldn't make it to the gym.

So instead I did tomorrow's workout the garage...and it was great. I also imagined Ben Pakulski was there coaching me & not letting me away with sloppy form. Great to have a virtual mentor for inspiration.

The Program:

1A) PB Chest Press - 5x5 at 80
1B) TRX row - 5x10

2A) Pause pushups - 4x15
2B) Chest supported row - 4x12

3) Farmer Walks - 3x2minutes with 1 minute rest between each

This worked out well for my grip strength, giving it an extra day of rest before Saturday's deadlift session.

Tomorrow I squat!

Non-training related link of the day:

My latest nutrition article:

Chocolate, fried foods, and hot dogs!

Because I get this complaint all the time: "Craig, you've told me all my favorite foods are banned. There's nothing good left to eat!" And it's my fault. Sometimes I forget that not everyone is a robot like me.

Of course, I have my weaknesses, specifically: CASS
- caffeine
- alcohol
- stevia
- soda (Zevia, Coke Zero)

Are any of these really bad for me in small amounts?


But I don't like having them daily, and so I don't.

But I also think it's helpful to have CASS-Free days, and that's what I did today. I slept 8 hours and 15 minutes, so no need for caffeine. And it's Monday...and I don't need a drink on Monday. :)

Stevia is a problem because it's in all of my protein powders (Paleo Protein, BioTrust, and Dr. Osborne's Pea Protein), so I skipped those today. I'm looking into ordering plain powders with no flavoring or sweeteners. Since I mix them into big blender drinks with lots of ingredients (including fruit), it shouldn't make a difference in taste.

Alright, let's have a great week!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip to Start Your Week:
Here's the bottom line…if you plan, and I mean really plan things out – not just planning your lunch for tomorrow, BUT planning out your meals for the next 7 days and going to the grocery store and preparing those foods in advance – then you will finally breakthrough have a weight loss WHOOOOSH and achieve more than you ever thought possible.

This is the stuff of legends.

It is this level of planning that brings exceptional results and avoids wasting weeks of work due to a last-second poor diet decision. So take an hour and plan and prepare for your next 7 days. Identify all spots for opportunity and all areas of weakness. Each time you do it you will get better at it.

Think big, Dream Big, Act BIG. Take this game plan and be flexible, but use it to avoid obstacles.

Go big to get lean,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Do what you can...

...And then do a little more. Come back tomorrow & build on that. Get better every day & Push yourself a little more on the way.

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