Saturday, July 18, 2015

Deadlift Day and Arnold Squats

Well, I have to admit, I'm a little sleepy after a day in the sun at the Jays game, and a couple of ciders. But good times. Just like my workouts over the past two days.

On a rainy Friday morning it was Deadlift Day. I used the trap bar for triples, and finished off with a personal best of 225x24 reps.

1A) Snatch
1B) Overhead Squat

2A) Trap Bar Deadlift
2B) Box Jump

3A) Military Press
3B) Full Squat

That was just fantastic. Then I drove to Toronto in a rainstorm and with tons of traffic. That was not fantastic.

After a low-key evening, I wrote for several hours this morning and hit a late workout in the Shangri-La Hotel gym.

1A) Pullup
1B) Cable Abs
1C) Ab Wheel

2) Rowing Intervals (I'm trying to get into these as per @BobbyMaximus, but so far, I'm not a fan.)

3A) Barbell Curl
3B) DB Triceps Extensions

Lots of walking to and from the Jays game today and around the city. On Sunday I get a day of rest and travel back to the farm. I think I'll be ready for a squat workout on Monday morning around 7am.

But not this type of squat workout, although the pic is pretty awesome. How would you like The Terminator counting your reps...on a smith machine?

BTW, I hate seeing Arnold get old...but I guess it happens to all of us.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
We fail to take action not because of people stopping us, but because we stop ourselves! So to move forward and make BIG progress in your life, you must change your attitude and start believing in yourself. It's time to overcome all those mental obstacles that stopped you in the past. It was NOT your fault then. You just didn't have the support and wisdom that you now have in place here today from us to you.

This is your time. You can – and WILL – do it. We believe in you. Join us and start believing in yourself. Identify WHY you want to change and make that WHY into a burning desire for success. Let nothing get in your way. Make the changes you need to make – right now – for your right life.

Push on and squat real,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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