Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Glute Grinder Leg Suffering Session in the Garage

Set the alarm a little early today. I needed to be on time for my 8:30am workout, and that meant getting a lot of work done, meditating, walking the dog, eating breakfast, reading my daily documents, sending some ideas to my team, and then hitting the gym.

How do I do it? Here's one of my tip that helps...and some good ideas and quotes from other guys as disciplined as me:

=> http://www.menshealth.com/best-life/5-guys-who-wake-4-am-work-out-tell-you-how-they-do-it

Today's workout, which was supposed to be a barbell squat workout, was moved to the garage gym due to time constraints, but I made the most out of it and put my glutes through the grinder.

1A) DB Split Squat - worked up to 80lbs (each hand) for 6 reps
1B) Box Jump

2A) TRX 1-leg squat
2B) KB Swing (new personal best of 70lb KB for 32 reps)

3) Double KB Front Squat

The next two days will be off and then I'll deadlift on Friday. Really looking forward to that workout...as much as I was grateful for the cool breeze from the little garage door out back tdday.
Metabolic Resistance Training's photo.
But if you don't want to suffer through that leg session with me, then enjoy this...it's one of my new 4-minute workouts based on the classic 4 Hot Zone metabolism boosting areas of the body:
=> http://www.earlytorise.com/4-minute-hot-zone-workout-free-bonus/

No excuses.

Don't reward yourself for half-baked efforts, only for doing your best. Set high expectations. Be tough on yourself. It is not easy to succeed.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip is a CLASSIC:

Losing fat is a game between you and the outside world. Everyone, from family to friends to co-workers to restaurant owners to TV advertisers is scheming against you to make you eat more and exercise less.

Like it or not, it's true. They might not be doing it on purpose, or with bad intentions, but they are happier when you are fed and flat on the couch.

You must always know your options. You must have Plans A, B, C, D, and E. You must be prepared to counter-attack.

When they say pizza, you say sushi. When they say take-out, you say, "I've already prepared my lunch". When they say, "Happy Hour", you say, "Workout first." Surround yourself with people who are fitter and healthier than you.

Stay strong my friend. You CAN do it. Let's go!

Have a great one,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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