Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Start small Start Now

My friend Chad emailed me over the weekend about a new study he is conducting for people who want to lose 10+lbs by Wednesday. Sounds aggressive but if you fit the following 3 criteria then you should check this out…
  1. You are at least 10 pounds or more overweight
  2. You are willing to follow a few simple instructions
  3. You are between the ages of 21 and 69
If you meet these 3 requirements then check out all the details here...

==> YES, I Want To Lose 10lbs By Next Wednesday


Stay strong and keep on pushing on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Here's the best advice I can give you in life...

...and this goes for anything, from losing weight to starting a business to finding a spouse to supporting a charity or writing a book. 

Whenever you are just getting started, simply start small. Get your idea out there. Build some momentum. Ask for feedback. Make it better. Do it again. Don't wait. 

Just start now. Please, please, please, just start now. We are all running out of time.

PPS - So how do you do that? Here's the hard #truth...

Block your time. Batch your work. Eliminate unnecessary communication. Limit phone calls and email. Spend more time thinking. Do the first things first in the morning. Control your day. Remove temptations. Eliminate obstacles. Monitor your time. Build good habits. Eat right. Sleep well. Move more. Know great people. Be good. Help others. Change lives.

You CAN do it! I believe in you.

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