Tuesday, July 07, 2015

final reminder about the free DVD

Exciting news to share with you today…I want to reward you with a FREE DVD copy of my most popular fitness program 6-Minutes to Skinny – with ZERO strings attached. It's my way of saying thank you for being a part of our mission to help 10 Million men and women transform their bodies. None of this would be possible without your help.

You see, in just 6-minutes a day you can flatten your belly and get back in shape faster than ever. Best of all, you don't need ANY exercise equipment. Simply play the DVD and after just a few minutes you'll increase your fat-burning metabolism for the next 36 hours. That means you'll be losing weight while you're at the office, in the car, browsing the Internet, and even while you're sleeping.

In return, all that I ask is you help cover the small cost of shipping. Over 75,000 people just like you worldwide have transformed their bodies and lost inches off their waistline with this program and you deserve the same life-changing results.

That's the good news; the bad news is that we have set aside an extremely limited number of free DVD's to give away on a first come, first serve basis. When this small batch is gone, this special offer will end. In fact, this is your FINAL reminder to visit the special link below right away because these FREE DVD's will soon be out of stock.

It's NOT your fault if you've struggled with weight loss in the past while using long, slow boring cardio workouts. That method doesn't work, and that's why I've devoted my life to uncovering the fat burning exercises that DO work…and here they are!

So let me say THANK YOU again for being part of our 10 Million Transformation Mission by giving you my most popular workout for free. It will help you burn fat, flatten your belly, and tone your entire body in only 6 minutes a day. To get your free DVD and, act now by visiting the link below before we run out.

Secure Your FREE DVD Now! (very limited quantities available)

To your life-changing transformation,

Craig Ballanytne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS – Don't be satisfied with the norm…

…if you want more. It's okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things – just like you!

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