Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Summer Luvin Deadliftin

The summertime is here on the Ballantyne farm. Yesterday was hot and sunny and today is going to bring a classic summer thundershower to the afternoon, and things will cool down in time for dinner.

But it was hot in the gym this morning for deadlifts. That's fine. Made for a faster warmup and a great session.

Today's workout

Old Man Warmup

1A) Hang Clean
1B) Hip Mobility

2A) Deadlift 5x5
2B) More mobility

3A) Military Press
3B) BB Split Squat
3C) Leg Curl

And while it's summer time, that means summer school. Take this quiz:
=> http://www.earlytorise.com/quiz-5-facts-that-determine-your-weight-loss/

You better ACE it. :)

And then take this fitness test and ACE it too!

=> http://www.earlytorise.com/workouts-of-the-day/4-minute-lower-body-burpee-gauntlet-challenge

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Communication is critical. This includes communication with yourself. You must be clear about your goals. You must be clear about the rules you are willing to follow and with accepting the consequences of not following your rules. You must be clear about the sacrifices you are willing to make (and NOT make) and just what you are willing to do to succeed. Know how far you want to go, and know what you will – and will not do – to get there. It's not about always winning…it's about playing the game the right way for your right life (not someone elses ideas for your life, but YOUR vision for your life). Be clear and be fair to yourself.

Push on for summertime,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Two folks giving me something to smile about...

Great people are an important part of success in life. So proud of and grateful for these two young CTT's and all they are doing to help the people of Mt. Pleasant, SC, and the TT World to change their bodies and transform their lives.
Turbulence Training's photo.

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