Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Summer Meatheadish Workout on the Farm

Yesterday we got rained out (from a bike ride) but today we're back to sunshine on the farm. Ol' Bally the Dog and I had a great, yet cool, walk this morning followed up with a big breakfast before today's garage workout.

This is the last workout of this 4-week program and then it is time to move on to a deload week and one more training program before I head to Europe in August. I just sent in my Visa application for Russia so that I can visit St. Petersburg before going to Lithuania, Turkey, and England. Looks like we'll be catching an Arsenal game in Londontown on the 15th.

Today's Total Body Meathead program (tricked myself into some leg training):

1A) DB Chest Press

2A) Maximus Pushups
2B) DB Split Squat
2C) Farmer Walk (fittingly on the farm)
2D) Ab Wheel

That's it. Just the basics.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
There will be days when you struggle but that is okay. Just never give up. Realize everyone else goes through this, and not quitting is what separates the winners from the losers. ….. "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." – Maya Angelou

Change it now,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - 5 years ago...

...two of my great friends and one of the greatest inspirational couples in the fitness world got married. What an event! Joel Marion stole the show with his dance moves. Great times. Wishing them another 70 years together. Congrats Vince and Flavia Del Monte. ‪#‎DelmonteDomination‬
Turbulence Training's photo.
Turbulence Training's photo.

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