Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Pushups and Chinups in Denver

Flew to Denver on Monday, and since my arms weren't too tired (LOL at my original jokez!) I hit the gym this morning for an upper body session.

1A) Pushups (1-1-1-1) - 5x20
1B) Chinups - 5x8

2A) DB CSR - 4x10
2B) Shoulder Press - 4x10

Tomorrow will be a heavy squat day, week 3 of the current 4-week program. Thursday I'll bench, and Saturday or Sunday will be heavy deadlifting.

Until then, lots of work to do, so I'll be following these tips:

How to save some time:
=> http://www.earlytorise.com/how-to-save-two-hours-a-day/

And here are more time-saving tips for you.

4-Minute Abs:
=> http://www.earlytorise.com/4-minute-sexy-abs-circuit/

Ab moves NEVER to do for specific body types
=> http://www.earlytorise.com/3-ab-exercises-never-to-do-for-your-body-type/

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Past success doesn't guarantee future success. Past failure doesn't guarantee future failure. You CAN change. Don't tell me you can't. You can. Keep moving towards your vision by working on what you can control while ignoring everything else.

"Something has to break and it won't be you, it will be the obstacle." – Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Break the obstacles in your way,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Smash!

You Hulk. You SMASH obstacles in your way. You BREAK through your upper limits. You BEAT all temptations. You CAN do it. You WILL do it. TT believes in YOU.

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