Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Check these abs and take the test

Take a look at these abs…then ask yourself this question…


Who do you think these amazing abs belong to? 
Is it… 
A) A Bodybuilder
B) A Fitness Model
C) A Fighter
D) A Sprinter
E) Bally the Dog

Take a guess and see if you're right. Click on your answer.

On the next page, you'll learn not only who these world class abs belong to, you'll also learn how you can train EXACTLY the same way to get rid of the fat that sits around your midsection and reveal your own abs even faster! 

I will warn you though… this information can be controversial…

=> Find out who has the best abs in the world and how they workout here…

Get the right workout for your abs (men AND women).

And oh yes, even Bally the Dog has amazing abs. Let me tell you a funny story…back in 2007 we were going to the Queen West Animal Hospital in Toronto for his annual check-up. It was there that Dr. Paula made a funny comment about my dog…

"Wow," she said, "Bally has six-pack abs!"

Ha, little did she know that for years after I'd still be telling everyone that I knew about that comment. I was so proud. And NO, he was not doing crunches or sit-ups. 

He was following an exercise program like this one

Good ol' Bally, you can always count on him for a laugh and smile. Have a great week and here's to getting a flat stomach and even 6-pack abs this summer!

You can do it,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer 

PS – Give 100 percent effort…

…and attention to building a new positive habit today. 

If you want to change, take action today, even if it is just the tiniest step in the right direction.

"Begin at once a program of self-mastery. Do not worry about anything outside of your control. The only things you command are your thoughts and actions. Stop aspiring to be anyone other than your own best self: for that does fall within your control." – Epictetus

Take that first action step. And then take another one tomorrow, and another the day after that. Every single day from now on take another step forward toward your goal, toward the change you want to make. Never stop and never give up.

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