Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Biebs and The Squats

Up early, got mentally prepared, and punished my legs at the Colorado Athletic Club in Denver. It was a great squat workout that went like this:

1A) Barbell Squat Jump
1B) Spiderman Climb

2A) Parallel Squat
2B) Hip Mobility Drills

3A) Full Squat
3B) Back Extension
3C) Leg Curl

I will bench on Friday and Deadlift on Sunday in a nice, empty gym. Looking forward to a quiet weekend of working, training, and writing a lot, plus a little preparation for this thing called the amazing 5th TT Summit -

And though this is a bit off-topic, it's one of the best articles we've put on ETR in a while

It was also SUPER AWESOME to have Derek Wahler, CTT, in the ETR offices yesterday. He is starting full-time as our new TT Affiliate Manager. He'll be working here in Denver and at home in Madison, WI. That makes three amazing CTT's that are a part of our daily ETR mission:
  • Lesa Gutenkunst, CTT of the Year 2014, Customer Service
  • Daniel Woodrum, MCTT, Director of CTT
  • Derek Wahler, CTT, TT Affiliate Manager
I love our team and the energy in our office. It's an amazing place to work...and we don't need silly foosball tables or Google perks to make it so.


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"People will try to take advantage of you...they will try to tear you down. Keep your head up and know your truth. Be kind in the face of anger." - Justin Bieber

Seriously. Must be something in the water as some of those 'kids' from Stratford should have some good philosophy. ;)

But also...

Anticipation is worse than reality. Things are never as bad as they seem. Lean into the uncomfortable conversations & learn life lessons.

Keep your head up,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Never give up.

Keep on getting better. Change your world. There is a solution. The answer is out there. Always Find A Way. #AFAW

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