Monday, May 25, 2015

Weekend Update and Deadlift to Denver

Had a great weekend. Lots of training, good food, and even a couple of movies. I might be slowing down in my old age.

Started off with an early Saturday morning trip to the YMCA for a Trap Bar Deadlift session. Hit 335 for 5 and 225 for 23 reps. Workout looked like this:

1A) Snatch - 3x5
1B) Box Jump

2A) Trap Bar Deadlift
2B) Box Jump

3A) Shrug
3B) Leg Curl

Good times were had by all, I think, except for my hands. Saturday was BBQ day (or a cook-out, as my American friends would say). Rib-eye steak and some apple ciders. Followed that with the first Avengers movie. I wish there were more. The second one is even better. I didn't like Captain America or Thor, but I'll give them another shot. And the Ironman ones, too.

Sunday was a workout at the Shangri-La hotel in Toronto. During my workout, after a set of strict pullups, a gentleman asked me if I could help his son do more pullups. His son is in the Marine Corps, but is currently 25 pounds overweight and can only do 2 of a required 7 pullups.

They know that losing the weight is the most important step. Aside from that, I recommended a 3-day per week program. All of these add-ons will be done at the start of the whatever scheduled workout he has to do. (He will have additional training in the Marines.)

Workout #1 - 3 sets of 5 repetitions with a 5 second Eccentric (and getting a boost back up).

Workout #2 - 10 sets of 1-2 pullups, never straining, only doing perfect reps.

Workout #3 - Repeat workout #1.

As soon as he loses 15 pounds he should be able to hit 7 pullups with this concurrent training regimen.

My workout on Sunday was:

1A) Bobby Maximus Pushups (1-1-1-1 tempo) = 31 reps, new PB
1B) Pullups - 40 reps total

2A) DB Shoulder Press
2B) Cable Abs

3A) DB Incline Curl
3B) DB Triceps

Then it was off to a fancy Italian restaurant (Buca in Yorkville) for seafood and veal. Portions were it called for the flourless chocolate cake for dessert. It was pretty good, but I realized it was chocolate with orange, and I'm really not a big fan of the orange flavor mixed with my beloved chocolate. Still, it was nice.

Then went back to the hotel and finally watched John Wick. I thought the Equalizer was violent, but this was above and beyond.

Back to work today here in Canada, and then off to Denver in a few hours to catch up with my team at I'll be there until the TT Summit travels begin on June 3rd.

Next deadlift workout should be Sunday AM.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Stay positive, look at every day and every moment as a learning experience…and become the best "student of yourself" that you can. Find out what works for you, and what doesn't. Then do more of what does, and avoid those situations that tempt you into the wrong decisions. Be proud about what you want to achieve, and communicate clearly about what you must do to get there. Of course, we all make mistakes and temptation gets to us all. But look at every stumble as the greatest gift…a learning experience to become better. You can change and achieve your goals. I believe in you. Your time is now. Let's go!

Time to go,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." - Mark Twain

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