Monday, December 29, 2014

Sunday Squats and Tampa Training

Time for some Tampa Turbulence Training down at Joel Marion's house. Starting Wednesday. But first, a trip to Toronto today and then the flight down to Tampa tomorrow. Yesterday I hit the gym for Sunday squats and some 1-Minute Challenge workouts.

1A) Squat
1B) Prisoner Squat Jump

2A) Barbell Lunges
2B) Cable Abs

3A) Good Morning
3B) 1-Minute Challenges - Like # of TBX's in a minute (54) and a few others

Good times, but...

I won't hit my kettlebell goal of 5,000 swings this month. I'm surprised and disappointed. I thought I was going to crush this goal. I thought I might even do 10,000. Instead, even if I finish with a monster 500 swing workout at Joel's on Wednesday, I'll still only hit 4,600. Oh well. I learned a lot, got better at swings, and look forward to joining the 22nd TT Transformation contest on January 5th. I have a good idea of what I want to transform, but not sure the exact BIG goal to focus on. A few more days of thinking will help me dial it in.

But no need for you to wait. Let's get you started today.

TT 12-Week Transformation Contest #22... START TODAY!!! Click here for the contest rules and how to enter

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Let's get back on track and move ahead!

Everyone faces obstacles. Everyone goes through disappointments and dips. What separates us from over 95% of the rest of the world is that we do not give up on what is important to us. You WILL figure this out. You always have. You always will. That's what you do.

So stay strong and keep on pushing on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS -
Don't be satisfied with the norm if you want more.

It's okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things.

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