Saturday, December 27, 2014

Bulletproof Bally Tea and Garage Gym training

This morning I tried to create Ballantyne Bulletproof Tea. From what I understand, the creator of Bulletproof Coffee first tried a Tibetan tea with yak butter before returning to America and translating the recipe to include coffee.

It has, of course, spawned a worldwide phenomenon. The creator now has a book out with Rodale. He said he had many failures before stumbling across the right recipe. I know how he feels.

I made two cups of tea, one was caffeinated (White Chocolate Mocha), the other decaff (Chocolate hazelnut). I steeped the teas for a few minutes then put the tea and two tablespoons of coconut oil into a blender. A minute later, I tried it.

It was good - taste wise. But it had cooled down too fast, and didn't give me the mental alertness (it was low on caffeine, however) or fullness (I was hungry after) that I desired...or felt promised.

Oh well. I'll try again some other time. But I doubt this will make it into my daily habits.

After that I moved onto a garage gym workout. I only have a few days left until my first mega-trip of 2015. I'm off to Tampa for New Years, then 10 days in Miami, and at least 7 days in Denver.

Today's training: DB press, KB swing, KB snatch, DB Chest Supported Row, Close-Grip Pushups on KB handles, some TT yoga to finish.

The holidays have been good to me, though it hasn't really felt like Christmas due to the mild weather and green, muddy landscape out on the farm. I'm not complaining. I'm simply stating how I feel. I would have liked a little snow on the ground, but I prefer these above-freezing walks compared to what we suffered through last winter.

C'est la weather. Nothing I can do about it, and so I'm very happy with what it is.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: Some things are within our control, and some things are not. It is only after you have faced up to this fundamental rule and learned to distinguish between what you can and can't control that inner tranquility and outer effectiveness become possible." – The Art Of Living

Here are some X-Mas morning photos before and after Bally the Dog enjoyed his gifts. And then me, with mine...I received some of the finer things in life this year (olive oil, excellent wine, James Bond DVD's, a Vita-Mix, some organic products, and some haute hot chocolate.

But the biggest smile on my face on Christmas morning came from knowing that you, the TT World, and Early To Rise helped buy over 7,000 gifts for the Denver Marines Toys for Tots drive. You helped a lot of kids have a better Christmas this year. Thank you!

Stay focused.

Stay strong.

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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