Tuesday, December 30, 2014

1-Day Cleanse Solution

Forgot what you've read about 10-day lemonade cleanses, 7-day detoxes with green juices and Gwyneth's gruel. All you need to do, and this is perfect for tomorrow or even today, is a simple 1-day cleanse.
You only need 24 hours, and better yet, you still get to eat real food every day. You don't have to go hungry, or 'live out of a juicer' for days while the rest of your family eats dinner or while everyone at work has a real lunch.
This 1-day cleanse formula will do three things for you:
1) It will help you quickly and easily lose the holiday weight gain, overnight.
2) It will save you time and money, and it will leave you clear-headed and more productive.
3) It will give you an advantage over everyone you know...perfect for the TT Transformation Contest (most of our winners use this 1-day cleanse formula) or in your 'at work weight loss transformations' that have become so popular here in America.
This is the solution you have been looking for. It's quick, it works faster than anything else you could try for post-holiday cleansing, and you can get started on right now, because it doesn't require any fancy juice recipes or strange ingredients found in limited supply from the Amazon jungle.
In fact, the LESS you do, the MORE results you will get with this system.
Just do it one day at at time,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Here's the #truth:
It's NOT your fault if you fell off the wagon over the holidays, if you got super-sidetracked from your goals in life. It's okay. It happens to all of us.
The most important thing you can do is get back on track now. Immediately. Not tomorrow. But right now. The 2nd thing you must do is "Remove the Wrong to Make It Easier to Do the Right". Eliminate as many temptations from your daily routine as possible. Keep the TV off. Toss the junk food, trash the coupons for Domino's. Out of sight, out of mind.
Get back on track right at this time. 2015 is going to be your year, let's start building momentum for it today.
Never give up on what really matters to you. Take Action Today & Always.

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