Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Black Turbulent Tuesday Last Chance Sale

I love America, and not just because I'm on a 15-day road trip taking me from Tampa to Miami back to Tampa and then on to Denver (where I'm getting ready for Saturday's Toys for Tots shopping drive). One of the things I love is that America likes to 'make up holidays', like Black Friday.
So I'm going to make up one too. Today is unofficially Turbulent Tuesday, the FINAL day of your Big TT Workout Sale. I know you're here at TT because you are looking for short, fun, fast effective workouts, and that's why I want to share this incredible deal with you today.
Get Every TT Workout Ever here <= less than 77 cents per workout
Plus, every dollar from this sale is going to support our 3rd annual Toys for Tots Drive in Denver this weekend. Our goal is to buy over $125,000 worth of toys for underprivileged girls and boys. If we don't come together and buy them a toy, they'll wake up on Christmas with absolutely NOTHING...and that's no way to experience the most wonderful time of the year.
So Thank YOU for being so generous and contributing...
...to our TFT Drive with your investment in the best fitness deal of the holiday shopping - and now, fat burning! - season. Your support will buy FOUR toys for underprivileged kids that would otherwise wake up without ANY presents on Christmas Day. You've made their holiday, thank YOU!
You'll also save hundreds of dollars and get the short fat-burning workout videos you need to avoid gaining weight - and to even LOSE belly fat - over the holidays, plus the more advanced video workouts you'll want to use in the New Year for Advanced Fat Loss. But hurry, this ends tonight.
Listen, it's NOT your fault if you struggled in the past. But now you'll have all of my best workouts  and nutrition programs to finally give you the results you deserve. Today really is the best time to start losing weight for good.
So if you want to drop inches from your belly, thighs, and back of the arms, today is your ONLY CHANCE to get ALL of my workouts. Plus, you'll get every workout I create over the next 12 months AND every penny of your investment goes to our Toys for Tots Drive. Don't miss this chance.
Get Every TT Workout Ever here <= Sale ends TONIGHT
You'll burn fat and support a GREAT cause at the same time.
Helping you lose weight and change the world at the same time,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Stay Strong Through These Hectic Times!
The mistakes of your past are not who you are now. No matter what you've done in your life you have a second chance that starts today. Turn the bitter into sweet. It is your time to choose who you will be and who you will become, for the rest of your life.
Let the past go and start fresh, right here, right now. It is not too late to change. No matter how much you might feel like you are struggling, never give up. Never ever, ever, give in.
Keep moving towards your vision. Never stand still. Believe in yourself. You CAN do it.


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