Tuesday, December 02, 2014

250 swings and TT Contest #21

TT Contest #21 Voting!

It's finally here... voting for the winners of the TT Contest #21 are now open, click here to cast your votes

=> http://www.turbulencetrainingcontest.com/vote_1114.shtml

Big thank you to everyone who participated. Selecting finalists is always a difficult task and we appreciate and are proud of every single entry.

Good luck to the finalists! Tell your friends and family to vote

=> http://www.turbulencetrainingcontest...ote_1114.shtml

Voting closes Friday, December 5th @ 11:59pm (Midnight) EST.

Congrats to everyone and I hope y'all are getting ready for #22 starting on Dec. 26th, 2014! And yes, there will be a PRO category again for all past winners to come back and show off. Love the enthusiasm for the contests!


Today's workout for ol' CB was done in Denver. I flew in yesterday, went for a swim in the heated outdoor pool at my hotel, and then had an early dinner at Chipotle. Got up today and hit the Colorado Athletic Club for KB Swings.

250 swings total for the workout, and that brings me to 1901 for my 5000-Swings-Before-New-Years challenge. I think I can hit 10,000.

I even used heavier KB's today.

50 reps with 60lbs
85 reps with 80lbs
95 reps with 70 lbs

(Please forgive if my math is off, but I know it was 250 total!)

Only thing missing from the hot tub was a time machine. 
Turbulence Training's photo.
Turbulence Training's photo.
1,710 people reached


Take This 1-Minute Challenge from Craig

One of the big changes I've made in the last 2 years was adding meditation. It's helped me slow down, feel less stressed, become better aware of my areas for improvement, and appreciate everything I have. If you're interested in those benefits, here are two resources:

1) Do 1-minute of meditation every day till New Years. That's all you need to do to start. Once you master 21-days of daily meditation, then we can work on 3 minutes in 2015.

Here's how to do it.
- Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
- Breathe through your belly, not your upper chest.
- Inhale 3 seconds through your nose.
- Exhale 5 seconds through your mouth (with a relaxed lower jaw).
- Repeat 7 more times.

2) Alternatively: Download an app called Headspace. It offers 10-minute guided meditations.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Head up! The mistakes of your past are not who you are now. No matter what you've done in your life you have a second chance that starts today. Turn the bitter into sweet, turn the bad into beautiful. It is your time to choose who you will be and who you will become, for the rest of your life. Let the past go and start fresh, right here, right now. It is not too late to change. No matter how much you might feel like you are struggling, never give up. Never ever, ever, give in. Keep moving towards your vision. Never stand still. Believe in yourself.

You CAN do it,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - If your slow cardio program doesn't work at 6 hours per week...

...it won't work at 8 hours. Don't throw "good hours" after bad. Increase the INTENSITY of your training, use total-body exercises, train with our follow-along workout videos, exercise less, and you will lose more. Try this
- http://bit.ly/1nK0R15

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