Monday, December 01, 2014

Do NOT do this Cyber Monday Workout

Did you know that a Cyber Monday shopping workout burns only 61 calories while sitting in front of a computer, even if you superset rapid clicking between the websites for Target and Wal-Mart? :)
And if you sit there mindlessly snacking on a Frappucino (480 calories) and a bagel (350 calories), you'll actually "gain" almost 750 calories from that so-called workout! Haha. So here's a TT Workout you should do instead...
1A) Jumping Jacks - 30 seconds
1B) Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat - 30 seconds
1C) Spiderman Climb - 30 seconds
1D) Reverse Prisoner Lunge (alternating sides) - 30 seconds
1E) Decline Pushups - 30 seconds
- Rest 30 seconds at the end of the circuit before repeating 1 more time.
If you liked that workout, you'll love this fat burning deal that gives you ALL access to EVERY workout I've ever created (includes all video, too!)
It's the best fitness deal on the net today!
Plus, I'll be donating ALL of the proceeds to our 3rd Annual Toys for Tots Drive in Denver on Saturday, December 6th. Last year we helped purchase over $102,173 worth of toys for the Marines' toy drive and this year we're hoping to break $125,000.
We can do that with your help, while our workouts help YOU lose fat. Here's what men and women from all over the world are saying about our Turbulence Training and Home Workout Revolution programs:
"I'm loving these workouts! I just got done your whole series and cant wait to delve in deeper! I am getting amazing results. Have worked out in the past and had limited success but at almost 50 years of age I am getting in the best shape of my life and have lost 25 inches so far. Even people at work who see me everyday are noticing! When I run into someone who hasn't seen me in six months they barely recognize me! I am wearing new clothes as my old ones no longer fit! I put $1 in jar everyday that I do a workout and will have plenty of money to buy new spring clothes as I know I won't be able to keep any of my shorts on! Thank you Craig!" - Rhonda Marx  
"Craig, these workouts are the perfect blend of building muscle and burning fat with TT and bodyweight exercises. I have leaned out and dropped about 4-6 lbs of fat while keeping my strength, too. People at work were saying, 'look at those arms' and 'you look more buffed, through the chest and arms'. At age 39 I am getting stronger, faster, and fitter than I was in my early 30's. I want to thank Craig for the great workouts and share how much I love the TT lifestyle! Keep up the great work!" - Jeremy 'J-Roc' Stone, TT Client of the Year, 2014
"I have been thinking about this Thanksgiving for weeks now. This post just helped me confirm that I must stay strong and I CAN get through this holiday dinner without caving into what others think I should be eating. This is my life and I'm the one working so hard each and everyday to make my body the best it could ever be. I've got this for sure. Thank you for the incentives you post each day... I find myself looking for them each morning." - Tracy Taylor

"Thank you Turbulence Training & Craig Ballantyne. You are amazing with what you do and the positive statements you put up. I will be a member for life." - Charmaine Kucks
Thank you everyone. I am so happy to help and so grateful that I have the opportunity to share my workouts with the world.
And your purchase will go directly to our Toys for Tots drive being held next Saturday in Denver. Thank you for helping those children enjoy Christmas while you are helping yourself lose belly fat and get back in shape at home.
With GREAT gratitude for you every single day,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - I'd LOVE to hear about you results.
Post your success story on the TT Member's forum today.
See you on the inside.
Stay STRONG and true to yourself today, no matter what happens, no matter what anyone else says, no matter how they act. Everything ends at some point. Good times AND bad.
So persevere through the hard times knowing they will be over and you will get through them, and be present and enjoy the good times with as much gratitude as possible.
Control what you can (your behaviors and thoughts), cope with what you can't (the behaviors of others), command your morning, conquer the chaos, and concentrate on what counts.
Never give up on what really matters to YOU.

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