Saturday, June 28, 2014

Squats and Writing in SoCal

Had a really great day of writing in my hotel room down here in SoCal.

I know, I know, I'm in California...and yet I spent the day writing.

I would hardly have it any other way.

Off to dinner with Bedros Keuilian and family tonight.

Last night Bedros and I went to Mortons, where I had the veal chop, broccolini, and brussel sprouts. Good stuff. Tonight it will be Sea Bass.

Today's workout was tough. It was hot in the gym and it was leg day. I trained at a busy 24-hour Fitness near the Westin Hotel in Costa Mesa.

1A) Squat
1B) Prisoner Squat Jumps

2A) Full Squat
2B) Good Morning

3A) Lunges
3B) Bear Crawls

Great times.

We also have a nice milestone in the TT World - 150,000 TT Fans.

And so we're having a contest.

Step 1. Take a look at this awesome picture taken at our last ‪#‎TTSummit14‬ in San Diego, CA

Step 2. In the comments section at, write the funniest or most clever caption you can think of

The top 10 best comments (determined by show of likes and my own personal bias) will be selected as winners!

The contest closes Sunday, June 29th @ 2pm EST.

Winners will be announced Monday, June 31st at 9am EST.

Good luck!

[Caption This!] 150,000 TT fans! Thank you so much!    Alright who wants a prize?!     As my way of saying thanks I am going to giveaway some sweet prizes!    What kind of prizes you ask?    8th, 9th & 10th prize winners - receive the last 6 Workout of the Months (Jan-June)    3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th prize winners - receive 1 Year memberships to    1st & 2nd prize winners - receive Lifetime Memberships (value $997)    How to enter?    Step 1. Take a look at this awesome picture taken at our last #TTSummit14 in San Diego, CA    Step 2. In the comments section below write the funniest or most clever caption you can think of    The top 10 best comments (determined by show of likes and my own personal bias) will be selected as winners!     The contest closes Sunday, June 29th @ 2pm EST.    Winners will be announced Monday, June 31st at 9am EST.    Good luck!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Everyday can be New Year's Day, a time to start over, to create a better life. So Do It. Celebrate and TAKE ACTION with your information. You already know ENOUGH. What you need now is fast action. Just Do It! And never, ever give up on what is important to you.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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