Sunday, June 29, 2014

5 cab drivers in 1 weekend

No workout for me today, as I had an early flight from Orange County to Denver. But I did have an excellent weekend in Newport Beach.

And along the way I met 5 interesting cab drivers.

Four were excellent.

Three provided interesting conversations.

The first was a young man that had newly moved from Iran, you'll hear more about him in a future TT newsletter.

The second was an older gentleman from Iran that had been in America for thirty years. It was interesting to contrast him and the young man.

The third was the worst and severely tested my British Gentleman skills and patience. He was new, not too bright, and drove me around in circles. But eventually got me to Maestro's restaurant for dinner with Bedros Keuilian and the amazing Keuilian family. Fun times with lil' Chloe and Andrew.

The fourth was an Eritrean gentleman in Denver. We had a great conversation about what he's noticed since pot was made legal. He says he sometimes picks up people at the airport, drives them to store, they buy a bunch of pot candy, and then he takes them right back to the airport! He also thinks crime is down and things are better because it's legal. Not what I expected to hear!

And finally, the fifth cab driver took me too and from Whole Foods. He was polite enough to wait because I was polite enough to ask him politely.

I have no idea why I wrote this, but I hope you enjoyed it.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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