Friday, June 27, 2014

Pushup and Mental Challenges

Today in the hotel gym I was finishing up with some meathead curls.

A woman, about 45-50, walked in to use the treadmill.

She sneezed.

Without messing up my tempo, the BG in me said, "Bless you".

She smiled and thanked me.

I also made sure to say Good Morning to all the hotel staff, and I wrote a thank you letter for the housekeeper and left it on my pillow with a tip.

Strange looking gym at the ALT Hotel in Toronto beside the Airport. But that's where I did this pushup test.

Try it at both the end of a workout and at the start when you are fresh:

20 seconds of pushups (aim for 15 reps)
40 seconds rest
- 4 rounds

Rest 2 minutes

Repeat for up to 5 rounds.

Stop when you are unable to hit 15 pushups in a 20-second period.

LMK how you did.

I did 4 1/4th rounds when fresh...but only 3 rounds after a workout (not surprisingly).
Photo: Strange looking gym at the ALT Hotel in Toronto beside the Airport. But that's where I did this pushup test.  Try it at both the end of a workout and at the start when you are fresh:  20 seconds of pushups (aim for 15 reps) 40 seconds rest - 4 rounds  Rest 2 minutes  Repeat for up to 5 rounds.  Stop when you are unable to hit 15 pushups in a 20-second period.  LMK how you did.  I did 4 1/4th rounds when fresh...but only 3 rounds after a workout (not surprisingly).

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
If you are frustrated, if you made a mistake yesterday, if you are ready to give up…PLEASE stay strong!

And remember these beautiful words:

Broken glass can still shine brightly.

"The first step to healing is not to step away from the pain, but a step toward it." - Henri J.M. Nouwen

….. Listen, you have gone through the worst. Challenges remain, but they will be met with energy, not exasperation. You have people on your side now. You are not alone. Your people will support you…..

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." – Winston Churchill

…..Stay strong and keep on pushing on. You CAN do it.

I believe in YOU,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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