Saturday, January 11, 2014

Personal Trainer Alert

He was already making DOUBLE the average trainer's salary.
And yet, this self-described 'average guy' from a small town in Georgia
easily doubled his income AGAIN in 2013.
You need to know how he did it, because YOU can do it too. It might allow
your spouse to quit their job, just like his did...
Here the story directly from the man himself, Mikey Whitfield, Master
Certified Turbulence Trainer.
"Dear Craig, and all other TT Trainers,
"It's hard to believe that just a little over 2 years ago, I was still managing a gym,
training 1-on-1, running a few bootcamps and trying - but failing - to make money
with an online fitness business.
I wasn't even making $40,000 per year, despite working my butt off. Does
that sound familiar? I know a lot of trainers that have the same struggles...
But that all changed when I became a Certified Turbulence Trainer (Aug., 2011).
At the time, my amazing wife, Sabrina, was a teacher and we both wanted her
home with our son, but financially, we couldn't make that happen. Not even close.
Fast forward to the first six months after becoming a CTT and not only did she
become a stay-at-home Mom, but I was able to step away from my boring gym
management job because of how fast my personal training business had exploded
thanks to my Workout Finishers programs.
That's great, HOWEVER, get this... my wife, who runs the numbers in our family,
just informed me that we've DOUBLED my income again from 2012 to 2013.
I'm doing things that I once thought were impossible, like...
- Being able to take off work to go to my 3-year old son's mid-afternoon, mid-week
school Christmas party
- Donating hundreds of dollars to the ETR Toys for Tots drive, as well as helping
local families in financial need through our Sunday School class and other charities
- Buying a new home in a better school district and environment for raising our kids
All of this was possible only after stepping out of my comfort zone and becoming
a Certified Turbulence Trainer... incredible.
If I didn't make that choice, I don't know where I would be today.
Wishing you an amazing 2014 - it's going to be another great year of doubling
our incomes together.

Mike Whitfield, MCTT
Master Certified Turbulence Trainer

Congratulations Mikey, you deserve it! 
Doubling your income can pay for many stacks of pancakes, too! 
The CTT cert is the ONLY Advanced Fat Loss Program Design Certification in the
fitness industry that also shows you how to get more clients, make more money, and
have more fun and freedom in your life.
What you do with your money is up to you. 
Helping you make more of it is our business with the CTT program.
Our next CTT Live! event is in Tampa on Friday, January 31st and Saturday,
February 1st. Join me, Craig Ballantyne, the creator of Turbulence Training,
and two of my Master CTT's, Kate Viduluch and Dani Woodrum for the
weekend where you'll learn my advanced fat loss secrets and our automated
client attraction methods to help you build your training and bootcamps FAST.
Here's to DOUBLING your income in 2014.
See you soon,
Craig Ballantyne, MCTT
Master Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Live & train clients overseas?
Can't make it to Tampa?
You can get all of the benefits of the CTT System by completing our
online digital TT Certification program here
We have trainers in India, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, England,
Brazil, Norway, Dubai, and Qatar.
Nothing will stop the Turbulence Training System from taking over the world!

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