Friday, January 10, 2014

Whoosh Fat Loss 2014

Ugh. I hate seeing this...
...but once in a while a TT user gets frustrated, and they post a stubborn fat loss story in the TT Member's forum. It reminds me that not everyone loses 2-3 pounds per week like our TT Transformation Champions.
(But there is good news if you're just means you're due for a WHOOOOSH fat loss effect.) Here's a real life stubborn fat story with a happy ending...

TT member, JDS1971, wrote:

"I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm a 6'0, 207 pound, 40 year old male. Last summer I used TT to go from 207 to 193, but then I fell off track and gained the weight back.

"I've started TT and a strict diet again (Jan. 2) but after 3.5 weeks there's been no movement on the scale or in my measurements.

"I'm really discouraged and thought I was doing everything right, but not getting the results as before. I'm even lifting heavier weights than last time."


As I mentioned, we don't hear this a lot at TT, but trouble cases happen once in a while. Another TT member, JudgeBill, made an interesting post that foreshadowed what was to come next. JB said:

"I tend to go through weight loss bursts - i.e. I'll lose 2-3 pounds in 2 days, and then level out. Not entirely sure what causes them - it's not always tied to diet perfection. Keep grinding, and you'll probably wake up at 200 soon."

Those fat loss bursts are known as the WHOOSH effect.

Highly controversial and not truly understood, here's what my friend and extreme fat loss expert John Romaniello said about the WHOOSH.

"Even the toughest fat loss plateaus eventually experience a 'WHOOSH' effect where your body weight rapidly drops. This happens because of a strange biological twist of fate in your fat cells.

"During a regular fat loss program, your fat cells, which normally do not store water, may take in water as the stored triglycerides are burned through diet and exercise.

"This gives the appearance of a fat loss plateau...which then can be broken, rapidly, through a couple of diet tricks. You then experience extreme rapid fat loss at once - thus known as the WHOOSH effect."

So if you're struggling, do NOT give up.

You could be one WHOOSH away from rapid results.

In fact, there are scientifically proven WHOOSH foods that you can eat today to flush the fat.
Read the Secrets of the Fat Loss Flush WHOOOSH Foods here

Now back to our TT Member, JDS1971...
A week later, frustration turned to celebration. JDS posted this update:

"Well, had my whoosh effect after the change you suggested. I lost almost 4lbs since Friday. Persistence pays off! I also experienced a bit more energy and focus during yesterday's workout after some of the adjustments."

And that's how it goes...when you make small adjustments in your diet and training that can trigger the fat loss WHOOSH.

YOU too can experience the WHOOSH effect, no matter much you are struggling with a fat loss plateau.

Don't give up.

Just make these small adjustments <= The 4 secret WHOOOSH foods

Remember, no matter how much you might be struggling now, you could literally be just one small change away from a big WHOOSH fat loss result.

Stay tuned for more details,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - To help you lose the most fat possible in 7 days...

...I've created a special set of advanced fat loss bonus workouts that I'm giving you as a free accelerator pack to use with Shaun's program.

Just get Shaun's solution here:

The Fastest Fat Loss Diet in the World

And then email us for your bonus workouts here:

And you'll get these 3 bonus advanced workouts:

1)    TT Xtreme Depletion - The BEST program to use with Shaun's diet
2)    TT Guru-Level Fat Loss - My latest follow-up fat loss program for TT
3)    15-Minute Fat Loss Workouts (for when you are REALLY busy)

Total value of this bonus package is $99.75, but you get them all for free when you get Shaun's program today.

To your fastest fat loss ever!

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