Sunday, January 12, 2014

Meet your personal trainers

I'm not easily impressed, but dang, these two trainers were among the best
- and most passionate - that I had ever coached.
They were confident, knowledgeable, stern-when-needed, and yet had the
'bedside manner' of small-town doctor that still makes house calls.
These two are near perfect trainers. I'm proud to have them as Master CTT's.
And the great news is that they are passionate about teaching other trainers. That's
why they will be YOUR personal trainers in Tampa later this month.

  • Please meet Kate Vidulich and Dani Woodrum.
  • But like you, they've had their ups and a young (broke) woman,
    Kate left the Cruise Ship industry and decided to move from Australia to
    New York City (talk about a pioneer!).

    Here, in Kate's words, is her journey to success:
    "Just 3 years ago, I was struggling financially. I was following my dreams
    of being a NYC trainer and helping people, but I couldn't even afford to
    pay the rent on my apartment, let alone buy Christmas gifts for my family.

    "Fast forward to today...I've built a 6-figure personal training business and
    have become the go-to Metabolic Trainer and Master CTT in New York.

    "One of my secrets is all of the referrals I generate. I've received so many from
    just ONE client that I boosted my income over $1200/month.
  • "TheTurbulence Training Certification has been one of the best investments I've
    made in my training business. It has given me access to a network of driven,
    highly motivated expert trainers who are nothing short of awesome!

  • "It's not only that. With the insider knowledge from the CTT network, I'm able to
    keep up with the latest research and add greater value to my existing clients and
    increase my prices.

    "Plus, I have new, proven marketing strategies at my finger tips to help me build
    my first bootcamp and my online fitness info products! We'll soon be on pace for
    6-figures in both of those parts of my life, too!"
    Kate Vidulich, MCTT
    Master Certified Turbulence Trainer
    Thanks Kate! You are a Rock Star!
  • You can join Kate, Dani Woodrum, and myself in Tampa and become a
    Certified Turbulence Trainer and part of our 10 Million Transformation
    Mission on January 31st.'ll meet Dani Woodrum, a young man that has accomplished
    MORE at 25 than I had by 35! It's no wonder that he's a Master CTT and will
    be a leader of our 10 Million Transformation Mission. 
    Just like Kate, Dani is changing the world and making a great living at the
    same time. He's a true professional that will help change your life too.
    Join us in Tampa and start changing lives with us,
    Craig Ballantyne, CTT
    Certified Turbulence Trainer
    PS - Live & train clients overseas?
    Can't make it to Tampa?
    You can get all of the benefits of the CTT System by completing our
    online digital TT Certification program here
    We have trainers in India, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, England,
    Brazil, Norway, Dubai, and Qatar.
    Nothing will stop the Turbulence Training System from taking over the world!

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