Sunday, January 12, 2014

Miami Metabolic and Muscle Building Update

What a weekend in Miami. We've had so much fun, helped so many fitness experts, had big breakthroughs, and had even bigger meals.


Last night was another dinner - although smaller - at Prime 112 in Miami. I had 2 "poisons" (see below), plus the field greens salad, a kobe beef appetizer (not as good as the beef I had in Japan), and the excellent sea bass with bok choy. I also shared a side of brussel sprouts and broccoli rabe. No dessert. No bread rolls.

It was a lot of food (and salt). Went for a walk up Ocean Drive after dinner, and then this morning hit another great workout. I've had two great workouts in a row. Must be from all the good fuel this week.

But I don't gain body fat when I travel. Instead, I use the opportunity to build muscle. It's simply a matter of a few nutrition and workout secrets.

Here are the keys to burning fat even while you travel. It all starts with my 5 nutrition tips for avoiding travel - or weekend - weight gain:

#1 - NO liquid calories with the exception of a "poison option" (explained below).

#2 – Eat more protein early in the day to fight hunger at other meals

#3 – Be boring at home between trips and as much as possible on weekends. Eat according to your normal routine as much as possible, and plan ahead for reward snacks and meals.

#4 – Check restaurant menus in advance so you find fat loss options. Every restaurant has their menu online these days. #NoExcuses2014

#5 – Pick your poison when eating out … that means you get to choose from one of: Drinks, Dessert, or Bread. You can't have all three. My poison is a Black Russian with Chopin vodka. I have a 2-drink maximum.

That's a simple plan for keeping the belly fat off in 2014.

My workout today (done in the Marriott Hotel Gym):
1A) DB Reverse Lunge
1B) DB 1-Arm Overhead Press

2A) Chin-ups
2B) Bodyweight Squats 20-10 style
2C) DB Chest Press

3A) DB Curls
3B) Core training

Great times.

Now off to finish the TT Certification newsletter of the month.

If you want to become a CTT (Certified TT Trainer), join us in Tampa at the end of January!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Don't think you have to wait until the 'time is right'. It will never be. Start now. As the old saying goes, "The best time to plant an oak tree was 25 years ago. The second best time is now." Get started. Take action today!

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

1 comment:

  1. Hello there!

    Thank you very much for sharing some keys on how to burn fats even while travelling. I guess with this, we need to eat more protein early in the day to fight hunger at other meals.
