Friday, January 03, 2014

Back under the bar in 2014

Brutally cold up here in Canadia, and even though the garage was heated, there was no garage workout today.


Because it's back to barbell training today.

The workout:

1A) Depth Jumps
1B) Squats - Low reps, for strength
1C) DB Chest-Supported Rows

2A) Bench Press
2B) More Squats - Lighter weight, for volume

3A) DB Chest Press
3B) Leg Curl

Back to the garage tomorrow or Sunday for a circuit.

You probably don't want to train heavy and for max strength like I do. You probably want short fat burning workouts that you can do at home.

Here's the solution - on SALE today for 72% off. But hurry, today is your last chance to take advantage of our biggest sale ever on the NEW Turbulence Training system – perfect for ALL fitness levels

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Your goal this weekend...Find TWO people that fit this description:

"Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you."

Play UP a level to bring out the best in YOU. Where you can find those people?

I recommend forums, Facebook pages, seminars, networking through your inner circles, and yes, paying to play by getting involved with coaching and Mastermind groups. Finally, be a leader and you will attract people too.

"As long as we wander at large, having no guide and following men calling us in different directions, our life will be spent in making errors. So let us determine both the goal and the road we will take, and let us have an experienced guide." – Seneca

Stay strong and get fitter and leaner,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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