Friday, January 03, 2014

30-minute workout better than crossfit

Here's why this is better than Cross-Fit - or any gym workout...

In the time it takes to drive to the gym, get changed, and warm-up (from the cold), you could do a proven fat-burning workout at home (perfect for days like today when you might be snowed in!)
And don't even get us started on the 60 minute P90 videos or cardio...there's no need for workouts to last longer than a television show. Here's a better way to exercise no matter which one you prefer:
But hurry...the New Year's Fat Burning Sale on Turbulence Training ends tonight at midnight, PST. 
We've moved the deadline back a few hours for all those folks stranded out in snowstorms or working late on the West Coast. 
But if you act now, you can still get in a great fat burning workout before dinner. Take action, save money, and burn fat faster than ever. All without leaving home. 
Workout faster at home even in snowstorms,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Time to go for a walk with ol'...
...Bally the Dog in the brutally cold Canadia weather. But he loves it, so I do too. Have a great weekend, and enjoy the savings on my best-selling workout program of all time!

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